VMWare OVA Images
Alternatively, if you have VMWare, you can use our OVA image.
Image Download
Link to the OVA image for VMWare: https://s3.amazonaws.com/SecurityDo/images/FluencyESXiCollector-v692-202106.ova
The collector image is built on top of a minimal CentOS 7 install. Standard CentOS 7 procedures for network setup will work here.
Default VM Login
The default credentials are:
user: root
pass: security
Installing Automatic Updates
Fluency collectors can automatically update when connected to a server. However, this is a recently added feature, and must be patched into the collector.
Allow automatic updates when connected to a Fluency server
Download and install the patch via the following commands:
wget <https://s3.amazonaws.com/SecurityDo/public/fluency_collector_patch_20230221.tar.gz>
tar xvfz fluency_collector_patch_20230221.tar.gz
cd fluency_collector_patch_20230221
This will install a new service on the collector and allow Fluency collector to download and install updates (via the server). No further action is needed after the patch.
Fluency Portal Configurations
Refer to Adding a Collector.
Connecting the collector to a Fluency server
Obtain a collector token from your Fluency server. Once a collector Token is obtained from the server, it must be added to the Collector appliance. On the collector appliance, a command is provided: (For IPv4 addresses: should be in the form https://server-ipv4; IPv6 addresses: https://[server-ipv6], note the additional brackets)
mgmt add_server https://<companyname>.cloud.fluencysecurity.com <your-token>

This completes the procedures to deploy and configure a Fluency Virtual collector. Refresh the Collectors page on the Fluency portal. The status indicator for the new collector should now be “Green”.
NOTE: If a Server has previously been configured, running the above command will overwrite those settings.
Additional Info
MD5 Checksum of the ova file is:
$ md5sum FluencyESXiCollector-v692-202106.ova
3ef699ac55007a8a381fd96365f3d00b FluencyESXiCollector-v692-202106.ova
Updated 9 months ago