* @file Event_Ingress_Report
* @reportoverview Shows the overview of the total event ingress over the time range specified by the user by default,
* it is a monthly report. It gets all events from LavaDB as a total events table and tables grouped by source, sender,
* and event type. These tables can be used to create visualizations.
* Main method. This method calls eventSizeBySource, eventSizeBySender, and eventSizeByEventType to get the total
* event size and count grouped by source, sender, and event type from the time range. The tables obtained are returned
* as an object.
* @param {string || int} from - The start of the time range. Default is the past day
* @param {string || int} to - The end of the time range. Default is the past minute
* @returns {object} - Returns an object containing all the tables/metric/alert obtained from the queries
function main({from="-1d@h", to="@h"}) {
let rangeFrom = new Time(from)
let rangeTo = new Time(to)
validateTimeRange(rangeFrom, rangeTo)
setEnv("from", from)
setEnv("to", to)
let diffsec = (rangeTo.Unix() - rangeFrom.Unix())
let diff = diffsec/3600.0 // range in hours
// initailze the tables to hold the data as an empty table
let statsBySource = new Table()
let statsBySender = new Table()
let statsByEventType = new Table()
let totalStatsTimeTable = new Table()
let interval = "7d"
let hist_interval = "1h"
if (diff > 48) {
hist_interval = "1d"
// break the time range into intervals of 1 day and append the data to the tables
for (let t = rangeFrom; t.Before(rangeTo); t = t.Add(interval)) {
let from = t
let to = t.Add(interval).After(rangeTo) ? rangeTo : t.Add(interval)
totalStatsTimeTable.Append(eventsTimeTable(from, to, hist_interval))
statsBySource.Append(eventSizeBySource(from, to))
statsBySender.Append(eventSizeBySender(from, to))
statsByEventType.Append(eventSizeByEventType(from, to))
// aggregate the data to get the total size and count grouped by the field
statsBySource = getTotal(statsBySource, "source")
statsBySender = getTotal(statsBySender, "sender")
statsByEventType = getTotal(statsByEventType, "eventtype")
let statsByProductName = lookupProductName(statsByEventType, "eventtype")
statsByProductName = getTotal(statsByProductName, "ProductName")
// sort the overall total ingress size and total number of events by sender then calculate the EPS and EPH
let totalStatsBySender = statsBySender.GroupBy(({totalSize, eventCount})=>{
return {
columns: {
sum: {totalIngressSize: totalSize},
sum: {totalEventCount: eventCount}
totalStatsBySender.NewColumnLambda("totalEPS", "", (row) => row.totalEventCount / 2592000)
totalStatsBySender.NewColumnLambda("totalEPH", "", (row) => row.totalEventCount / 720)
// use the event type table to get the overall total ingress size and total number of events
let totalStats = statsByEventType.Aggregate(({totalSize})=>{
return {
columns: {
sum: {totalIngressSize: totalSize},
count: {totalEventTypes: true}
// sort the tables by total size to get the top 10 sources, senders, and event types
let topSizeBySource = statsBySource.Clone().Sort(10, "totalSize")
let topSizeBySender = statsBySender.Clone().Sort(10, "totalSize")
let topSizeByEventType = statsByEventType.Clone().Sort(10, "totalSize")
let topSizeByProductName = statsByProductName.Clone().Sort(10, "totalSize")
totalStatsTimeTable = totalStatsTimeTable.Clone().Sort(0, "+Date") // sort by Date, for histogram
return {
* Thie method is a helper method to validate the time range passed by the user.
* @param {Time} from - The start of the time range
* @param {Time} to - The end of the time range
* @returns {boolean} - Returns true if the time range is valid
function validateTimeRange(from, to) {
// checks to see if the start of the time range is after the end of the time range
if (from.After(to)) {
throw new Error("rangeFrom must be less than rangeTo", "RangeError")
// checks to see if the time range is more than 2 months
if (to.After(from.Add("60d"))) {
throw new Error("total duration must not exceed 2 months", "RangeError")
return true
* Thie method uses the environment variables to build a fpl query to get the event size and count grouped by source
* @param {string} from - The start of the time range
* @param {string} to - The end of the time range
* @returns {Table} table - Returns a table containing the total event size and count grouped by source
function eventSizeBySource(from, to) {
let env = {from, to}
let fplTemplate = `
search {from="{{.from}}", to="{{.to}}"}
let source=f("@source"), size=f("__size__")
aggregate totalSize=sum(size), eventCount=count() by source
let table = fluencyLavadbFpl(template(fplTemplate, env))
return table
* Thie method uses the environment variables to build a fpl query to get the event size and count grouped by sender
* @param {string} from - The start of the time range
* @param {string} to - The end of the time range
* @returns {Table} table - Returns a table containing the total event size and count grouped by sender
function eventSizeBySender(from, to) {
let env = {from, to}
let fplTemplate = `
search {from="{{.from}}", to="{{.to}}"}
let sender=f("@sender"), size=f("__size__")
aggregate totalSize=sum(size), eventCount=count() by sender
let table = fluencyLavadbFpl(template(fplTemplate, env))
return table
* Thie method uses the environment variables to build a fpl query to get the event size and count grouped by event type
* @param {string} from - The start of the time range
* @param {string} to - The end of the time range
* @returns {Table} table - Returns a table containing the total event size and count grouped by event type
function eventSizeByEventType(from, to) {
let env = {from, to}
let fplTemplate = `
search {from="{{.from}}", to="{{.to}}"}
let eventType=f("@eventType"), event_type=f("@event_type"), size=f("__size__")
let et = coalesce(eventType, event_type)
let eventtype = condition(et != "", et, "N/A")
aggregate totalSize=sum(size), eventCount=count() by eventtype
let table = fluencyLavadbFpl(template(fplTemplate, env))
return table
* Thie method uses the environment variables to build a fpl query to get the event size and count grouped by timestamp
* @param {string} from - The start of the time range
* @param {string} to - The end of the time range
* @returns {Table} table - Returns a table containing the total event size and count grouped by source
function eventsTimeTable(from, to, interval) {
let env = {from, to, interval}
let fplTemplate = `
search {from="{{.from}}", to="{{.to}}"}
let timestamp=f("@timestamp"), size=f("__size__")
let Date=strftime("%D %H:%M",timebucket("{{.interval}}", timestamp))
aggregate totalSize=sum(size), eventCount=count() by Date
let table = fluencyLavadbFpl(template(fplTemplate, env))
return table
* This helper function groups the table by the specified field and gets the total size.
* @param {Table} table - The table to be aggregated
* @param {string} field - The field to be grouped by
* @returns {Table} - Returns an aggregated table grouped by the specified field with the total size and count
function getTotal(table, field) {
return table.Aggregate((obj) => {
let fieldValue = obj[field]
let totalSize = obj.totalSize
let eventCount = obj.eventCount
return {
groupBy: {[field]: fieldValue},
columns: {
sum: {totalSize: totalSize},
sum: {eventCount: eventCount}
function lookupProductName(t1, field) {
t1.NewColumnLambda("ProductName", "", ((row) => {
let et = row[field]
if (startsWith(et, "@")){
et = trimPrefix(et, "@")
if (et == "nxlogDHCP"){
return "WindowsSrv_DHCP (nxlog)"
if (startsWith(et, "nxlog")){
return "WindowsSrv (NXLog)"
if (et == "Fortigate" || et == "fortigate"){
return "FortiGateNGFW"
if (et == "SonicWall" || et == "sonicwall"){
return "SonicWallNGFW"
if (et == "Meraki"){
return "CiscoMeraki"
if (et == "PaloAlto"){
return "PaloAltoFW"
if (et == "peplink"){
return "Peplink"
if (et == "netscaler"){
return "CitrixNetScaler"
if (et == "canary"){
return "ThinkstCanary"
if (et == "Sophos"){
return "SophosFW"
if (et == "cylance"){
return "CylanceSyslog"
if (et == "Linux" || et == "sshd" || et == "linux-sshd" || et == "audispd"){
return "LinuxSyslog"
return et
return t1
Updated 11 months ago