Control Blocks
If, elseif, and else
Value to bool conversion: false, null, undefined, 0, "", are false, all other values are true
let s = 100
if !s {
printf("s has a false value")
} elseif s > 100 {
printf("s is greater than 100")
} else {
printf("s is less than or greater to 100")
For Loop
For loop has the follwing strcutures:
- for = range { }
- for = range { }
- for range loop also apply to utf8 encoded string
- in this case, the index of the loop is the starting position of the current rune, measured by bytes. see the example below
let lst = [0, 10, 20]
for i, v = range lst {
printf("index: %d: value: %d", i, v)
let map = {x:0, y:10, z:20}
for k, v = range map {
printf("key: %s: value: %d", k, v)
// apply for utf8 encoded string
let nihongo = "日本語"
for i, s = range nihongo {
printf("i:%d s:%s", i, s)
// i:0 s:日
// i:3 s:本
// i:6 s:語
for loop with three components: for init?; condition?; post? { }
let list = [0, 10, 20]
for let i = 0; i < len(list); i++ {
printf("index: %d: value: %d", i, list[i])
For loops can also be exited
break: break out of the current for loop
continue: skip the current iteration of the for loop
throw : throw new Error("invalid data type")
try { } catch () {} finally {}
try {
} catch (e) {
printf("%s: %s",, e.message);
// print out: ReferenceError: nonExistentFunction is not defined
} finally {
// execute after the try block and catch block(s) execute,
// but before the statements following the try...catch...finally block
Two styles of commenting is used.
- single-line comments //
- multi-line comments /* */
// This is a single line example
This is how we can
do multi-line comments.
case(condition_1, value_1, [condition_2, value_2, …], default_value)
evaluate a list of conditions and returns the first value whose condition is evaluated to true. If all conditions are false, the default value is returned
let i = 10
case(i>10, "bigger than ten", i>=0, "positive", "negative") // return "positive"
let i = -10
case(i>10, "bigger than ten", i>=0, "positive", "negative") // return "negative"
template(text, variableMap)
Generates text output based on input variables. The template format is the same as Golang’s template. The variableMap is a map type holding variables or a json object.
let t = `Value of a: {{.fields.a}}
List: {{.list}}`
let opt = {"fields":{"a":"foo"}, "list": [1234, 5678]}
let s = template(t, opt)
// Value of a: foo
// List: [1234 5678]
Updated 9 months ago