* @file Investigation_O365_UserActivity
* @reportoverview An investigation report that shows the activity of a specific Office365 user over a time period.
* Main method. This method uses a template to get all activity of the user within the time frame.
* @param {string || int} from - The start of the time range. Default is the last 7 days
* @param {string || int} to - The end of the time range. Default is the past minute
* @param {string} username - The office365 username to investigate
* @returns {object} - Returns an object containing all the tables/metric/alert obtained from the queries
function main({username, from="-7d@m", to="@m"}) {
let rangeFrom = new Time(from)
let rangeTo = new Time(to)
validateTimeRange(rangeFrom, rangeTo)
setEnv("from", from)
setEnv("to", to)
// intitialize the table used and query template
let table = new Table()
let fplTemplate = `
search {from="{{.from}}", to="{{.to}}"} sContent("@sender","office365") and sContent("@fields.UserId", "{{.username}}") and not sContent("@fields.Operation", "UserLoginFailed") and not sContent("@fields.Operation", "UserLoggedIn")
let timestamp=f("@timestamp")
let iso2822=strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %T %z", timestamp)
let {Workload, Operation, ApplicationName, City="", Country=""}=f("@fields")
let Details=coalesce(f("@fields.SourceFileName"), f("@fields.TargetUserOrGroupName"))
sort 1000 timestamp
let interval = "1d"
// break the time range into intervals of 1 day and append the data to the tables
for (let t = rangeFrom; t.Before(rangeTo); t = t.Add(interval)) {
let from = t
let to = t.Add(interval).After(rangeTo) ? rangeTo : t.Add(interval)
let env = {username, from, to}
table.Append(fluencyLavadbFpl(template(fplTemplate, env)))
// remove the timestamp column from the table
table = table.RemoveColumn("timestamp")
return {table}
* Thie method is a helper method to validate the time range passed by the user.
* @param {Time} from - The start of the time range
* @param {Time} to - The end of the time range
* @returns {boolean} - Returns true if the time range is valid
function validateTimeRange(from, to) {
// checks to see if the start of the time range is after the end of the time range
if (from.After(to)) {
throw new Error("rangeFrom must be less than rangeTo", "RangeError")
// checks to see if the time range is more than 2 months
if (to.After(from.Add("60d"))) {
throw new Error("total duration must not exceed 2 months", "RangeError")
return true
Updated 11 months ago